Wednesday 30 September 2009

Daggerboard Case

This can be constructed either from Marine plywood (heavy) or end grain balsa. I was lucky to find a supplier in the UK who would sell individual sheets of balsa. Normally you have to buy a full case which is expensive and more than you actually need. The panels are supplied as 4'x 2' sheets with the balsa blocks attached to a flexible backing scrim.

Assembling the sides. A plywood insert is added in the top section  for the compression loading from the mast. 2 layers of glass are laminated either side of the balsa sides. I vacuum bagged the layers after making a small extension for the table, as this is a long piece, and would not quite fit.

After laminating and attaching the down pieces (Ash) , I coated the inside with several layers of epoxy. The down side of balsa is that it would soak up water if there are unfilled gaps or holes.

Photo shows the rope channel for pulling the board up and down. This has been laminated over and sealed, after digging out the balsa around the edge and replacing with solid putty. Before I can do anymore on this I need to find a suitable cheek block....

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